Sunday, April 1, 2012

Barney and Thomas get a little theology makeover. BOOM.

Madeleine's two favorite shows right now are Barney and Thomas and Friends. As we enter into Holy Week I've been thinking about how everything can be a tool for evangelization. Well, now Madeleine's favorite songs have been given a Jesus makeover... and they look good!

To the tune of "I Love You" as sung by Barney

God loves you, God loves me
He sent His Son to set us free
Jesus died and rose again
So we could live with Him in heaven

To the tune of "Thomas and His Friends" as sung by... Thomas and his friends?

They're two, they're four, they're six, they're twelve
Preaching the Gospel and fighting hell
Casting nets into the deep
At the Last Supper Jesus washed their feet.
Jesus taught them all to pray
And commissioned them to baptize and save
Sacred Scripture and Tradition passed down through
Jesus and His crew
Thomas, he's the doubting one.
James the Greater saw the Transfiguration
Andrew, he was Peter's brother
On the cross Jesus gave John His Mother
Matthew wrote a Gospel accountPhillip and Bartholomew were crucified upside down
Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus with a kiss
Then another Judas and James then the Less
Peter was pope and was given keys
Jesus told him, "Tend my sheep."
They're two, they're four, they're six, they're twelve
 Preaching the Gospel and fighting hell
Casting nets into the deep
At the Last Supper Jesus washed their feet.
Jesus taught them all to pray
And commissioned them to baptize and save
Sacred Scripture and Tradition passed down through
Jesus and His crew

I realize that the new lyrics don't fit perfectly but hey, I'm putting my theology and catechetics degrees to good use. Now I finally know that 30 Rock wasn't right when they said, "That's as useful as a mom's college degree." Haha Kenneth the Page! I WIN!

Well, really God wins!

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