Juliette has always loved to be swaddled. Madeleine broke out of her swaddle at about one month, ready to sleep with her arms free. To this day, nearly five months later, Juliette will only sleep swaddled. I am beginning to become convinced that we are going to have to teach her future college roommate how to swaddle her.
Juliette in her going home outfit. I mean, could she be an cuter? No.
My sister and Godmother to Juliette meeting her niece/goddaughter for the first time. It was total love.
Madeleine with Bitty Baby in the new Bitty Baby crib we got her as her "big sister" gift. Apparently unclear on how it is used.
Is anything more wonderful than a grandmother with her grandbaby? I remember when my parents used to get excited about seeing me. Now I'm just that woman who drives the grandkids to our house!
So this was my experience of birthing and bringing home my little Juliette in ten little pictures. Words can't do justice to how happy we are and just how wonderful she is. We love you Juliette our Pet.
I'll be sure to tell Andrew about Juliette's love of being swaddled...